These projects were developed and created using the Adobe Suite with some additional software as well as utilizing my video artwork.
Twitch Panels
These are panels created for my Twitch that link to other social media and hosting sites for my content. Each image reflects the subject or action of the link i.e. music showing waves, Patreon showing behind-the-scenes images, Discogs represented by a record, etc.
Billboard Designs
Tasked with designing six billboards carte blanche, I chose to utilize brands and products that have a special or current place in my life. The Technics 1200 is my personal turntable and a standard in DJing, Kelly Finnigan’s album is being released by the label I’m currently interning for, the Trinitron is a high-end CRT TV which I use in my work, Tachyons+ is a company that creates video effects boxes that I use as well, The Plan is a faux movie poster utilizing some work from a newly acquired video-mixer, and the cassette duplication as it is an audio format that I utilize and listen to on occasion.
Juno - Single COver
This was a logo designed for a song of mine that I ended up utilizing for a motion graphics class. Based on Jean “Moebius” Giraud and Kilian Engs’ use of color and outlines, I layered varying elongated circles full of neon colors over one another and masked them under the Juno text.
Real - Single Cover
This is a single cover that was created using blown up letters from Illustrator which were then printed and cut. I then overlaid the letters onto a CRT TV to applied video feedback and photographed the outcome. I was able to maintain the television lines and moiré patterns, that helps match style with the nostalgic feeling of the song.